The Canadian Association of Fine Arts Deans (CAFAD) is a nationwide organization of post-secondary Fine Arts faculties, institutions and other academic units. Its members meet at an annual general meeting, usually held in the fall. CAFAD members are kept informed by a quarterly Newsletter published in June, September, December, and March. Submissions are welcome at anytime.u00a0

As part of its commitment to advancing equity and honouring the commitments of the TRC, CAFAD cultivates and supports diverse academic leaders in the fine arts through collaboration, shared information, and ongoing professional development.
Our Association supports the proposition that arts education promotes intercultural understanding and respect for difference.

To offer opportunities for professional development to those in leadership roles, including members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual and gender identities and equity deserving members.

CAFAD is committed to actively support work around decolonization and Indigenization throughout its membership, and to work to define what that means for publicly funded Fine Arts education across Canada. This includes working to uphold the commitments of the Truth and Reconciliation Commissionu2019s Calls to Action.

As part of its commitment to advancing equity and honouring the commitments of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, CAFAD cultivates and supports diverse academic leaders in the fine arts through collaboration, shared information, and ongoing professional development.